Wednesday, October 21, 2009

One of My Earliest Memories

It was a cool trip to Miami, Florida, when i was about 2 or 3 years old. I remember staying at one of my dad's relatives house over in the suburbs, getting up in the morning in with my small blanket, or "bubba" (hehe) and eating some Alphabet cereal. Over at the beach, I hung on to daddy, squirting water at him with the little squirty toy I had. The water was warm, and the sun was blasting out some heavy heat. Meanwhile, my mommy was sitting on the beach, reading one of those big books, as we all had a fun, fun time.
Later during the trip, we went to visit one of my dad's other relatives from Cuba, who had come to the U.S. along with the rest of her family. She had this fridge full of Coke, which I much enjoyed, and me and my brother caught some of those teeny-tiny lizards that were scurrying into the cracks of the concrete. We also visited the chicken coop, and tried to touch some eggs, but those bad,mean hens really pecked at us and made me mad.

P.S Know it's not that early, but it's earliest full memory I can recall.

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