Monday, March 22, 2010

Great Expectations Skit Prep!!

Three parts of the novel I would most like to see performed in class would be first, Pip's first run in with the convict, Abel Magwitch, which I sets the stage for an important recurring motif in the book. During this scene, a young Pip walks through the courtyard, when suddenly, the convict jumps and once he figures out he has access to tools demands he get him a file. This would be good material for a scene because it can be made quite dramatic and meaningful, and to a person who has never read the book, would make them want to read it. In addition, his first, though quite awkward, encounter with Miss Havisham and Estella. This is when Pip immediately, from when she opens the door to his depature, falls in love with Estella, and it also introduces her decieving and misguided personality, in addition to Havishams iron-fisted control over her. The two play cards together, despite Pip's reluctance, which would be quite good skit material due to it's introduction of the relationship between Havisham and Estella A final memorable part would have to be when Magwitch comes forth to Pips apartment, and reveals he had made a fortune in sheep ranching, and that he was Pip's benefactor, for all those years, much to his astonishment. This scene is important and should be performed because it tells of the source of Pip's expectiations, and elaborates on his main goal in the book.


  1. I really like the first one with the convict meeting. That could have the potential to be really good! I didn't even think about it.

  2. I would like to use when Pip first goes to Miss Havisham's. It would be funny to see how some people in our class portray Pip's lovesick emotions.

  3. I would like to do the convict and pip first meeting in the churchyard because I would love to see someone in class be tipped upside-down! And it is also very meaningful to the rest of the story, with the setting of motifs and all.
